Room Leader

  • Wombles Creche
  • 25/09/2023
Full time Room/Team Leader

Job Description

Wombles Creche  are looking for an enthusiastic Early Years Practitioner to join their team.  The successful candidate will have at least a Level 6 QQI in Early Years.It is  full-time but vacancy but would look at recruiting someone from 9.30 to 12.30 


The ideal candidate will have strong interpersonal skills and an ability to communicate well within the team and with the children. 

Roles and Responsibilities

To work along side our 1st years ECCE children, to be able to communicate with parents ,children ,and fellow staff members.

The successful candidate must have

Level 6 QQI  in Early years 


8.00 to 5.00 or 9.30to 12.30


14.00 per hr

Job Location

Tallaght ph 014628099

Qualification Level

Minimum QQI/Fetac Level 6